Finally fall in love with God’s story

Join us in Cincinnati for a retreat
May 16th – 18th or
November 7th – 9th

Sign up Now

What is the Cincinnati Retreat?


“I was feeling stagnant in my walk with Jesus. During SFL, I realized this was because I was trying to make the story of the Bible about me. This shift to seeing God’s story for what it is, where I am just a supporting actor, is already making me excited to wrestle with scripture as He trains me to more deeply believe and obey Him.”

Whether you’ve been a Christian your whole life or only a few months, you’ve likely bumped into this discrepancy between what you hear your faith experience should be like vs. what it’s actually like.

You want to feel closer to God, yet you’re spiritually stuck. You believe your walk with the Lord could be the rich, vibrant experience you often hear about, but instead it feels dull. How do you move from merely desiring spiritual growth to having it actively guide your family with the wisdom gained from your own deepening relationship with God?

That’s where Story-Formed Life comes in

“I’ve read through the entire Bible many times, and I always thought I knew the story of the Scriptures quite well. Going through this study, which was unlike most studies I’ve ever been a part of, was a unique experience where I was confronted with some truths that I had only mentally assented to, but I had not grappled with with my heart. I realized that I was not fully trusting God in everything. I wanted to. But there was something holding me back.”

Unfortunately, it’s common for Christians often live their entire spiritual lives feeling discontent. They want more, but don’t know where to find it. Phrases like, “If you don’t feel close to God, He hasn’t moved,” or, “God feels far away, but he’s never more than one step back.” You’re thinking, “Well, that’s great, but what’s that one step back? I’ve tried a few different steps yet nothing seems to change.”

There’s nothing magical about Story-Formed Life. There’s no secret information, no new tricks to try, nor even more willpower to muster. In fact, it’s the opposite. There’s barely even a curriculum. It’s just a few select scripture passages that walk us through a Story you may already know.

Falling in love with this Story fundamentally transforms us. Reading the Bible shifts from a chore to a craving. Your life naturally aligns with its narrative, altering not just your story, but also influencing your marriage, your children, and your family’s spiritual legacy.

We cannot wait to see how God’s Story impacts your story over this weekend together!

Here is how we do it…

  • The weekend starts on Friday at noon through about 6pm. That evening you will have dinner with a family in Cincinnati. Saturday we start at 8:30 and run until about 6pm. At 7pm we all gather with the larger Cincinnati community for an evening of fellowship. Sunday we start back at 8:30 and end around noon.
  • You can travel to Cincinnati Friday morning and home Sunday afternoon. We will arrange lodging with a host family in Cincinnati. Of course you are free to stay at a hotel at your cost. We do encourage you to use this time to immerse yourself in our community in Cincinnati.
  • The cost is $75 per person plus travel to Cincinnati. If you fly, we do recommend you rent a car. 

Start here…

Complete this interest form and we will contact you within a few days to discuss.


Reading and responding to Scripture together, the community–depth of vulnerability and joy in laughter, and having some time to relax at the end of the intense schedule…those were the highlights of my experience!

“A lot of things that haven’t quite made sense in the past make much more sense now, particularly around The Fall after Creation”

“Mind blown, eye opening. I had always read the bible up close. To step back and see the big themes that are going on throughout the story was transformative to how I understand God, the Bible, and my family’s place in the story. I frequently speak about our SFL experience and use the language of SFL often.”

“I thought SFL was the best foundation laying course I have ever been a part of. It deepened my trust in Jesus, gave me a greater appreciation for what God has done, is doing and will do in the future, challenged me to take the claims and words of Jesus with greater weight and all with helping to better understand the entire story and scope of the Bible.

“I have been a believer my entire life, but during my first SFL I felt like I was truly meeting Jesus for the first time. I never felt confident to read and study scripture on my own before SFL and now I am hungry for it daily. Being shown the “whole story” and seeing how the Old Testament all points to Jesus opened my eyes and heart in new ways I didn’t know were possible.”

“My relationship with God is much more intentional. I spend time in the word almost every day and am hungry for more …”

“SFL has been a great tool for us because it quickly and effectively immerses those we serve into God’s story. It lays a foundation, or improves an existing one, and has accelerated the deepening of one’s faith and the motivation to make disciples themselves!”